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All application Bicep definitions are located in the .azure/applications folder. To add a new application, follow the existing pattern found within this directory. This involves creating a new folder for your application under .azure/applications and adding the necessary Bicep files (main.bicep and environment-specific parameter files, e.g., test.bicepparam, staging.bicepparam).

For example, to add a new application named bff-new, you would:

  • Create a new folder: .azure/applications/bff-new
  • Add a main.bicep file within this folder to define the application's infrastructure.
  • Use the appropriate Bicep-modules within this file. There is one for Container apps which you most likely would use.
  • Add parameter files for each environment (e.g., test.bicepparam, staging.bicepparam) to specify environment-specific values.

Refer to the existing applications like bff and frontend as templates.

Deploying applications in a new infrastructure environmentโ€‹

Ensure you have followed the steps in Deploying a new infrastructure environment to have the resources required for the applications.

Use the following steps:

  • From the infrastructure resources created, add the following GitHub secrets in the new environment (this will not be necessary in the future as secrets would be added directly from infrastructure deployment): AZURE_APP_CONFIGURATION_NAME, AZURE_APP_INSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING, AZURE_CONTAINER_APP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME, AZURE_ENVIRONMENT_KEY_VAULT_NAME, and AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

  • Add new parameter files for the environment in all applications .azure/applications/*/<env>.bicepparam

  • Run the GitHub action Dispatch applications in order to deploy all applications to the new environment.

  • Contact Platform team to add an A-record that points to the Application Gateway public IP